Harley-Davidson Softail

Event contezt modifications in Jogja Bike rendezvous (JBR) has always been the agenda of Dodi Chrome Cycle (DCC) and baseball never missed. Understandably during follow contezt special modification of this great motor, Dodi Irhas the builder always take home trophies. 

"Since 2005 following the modification event in JBR, to a mainstay motor I always take home more than one trophy," Dodi said the workshop is located on Jl. VIII/16 Pondok Duta Permai Green, Ciputat, Tangerang. So, did the tradition of champions in the event JBR DCC. 

Success also repeat on HD Softail Custom This Mulyadi property. Custom made by a drop in JBR 2011 then able to become champions in the Pro Street class and the best bonus on the achievements made by painting also named Justice For All This. The theme of the paint according to the theme of this edition kinclong MOTOR Plus. 

"The idea is a modification of the imagination am I trying to develop. So if you see this bike do not imitate and truly original ideas, "said Dodi familiar greeting custom bike builder who liked the European style. 

Armed with 1340 cc engine is stock HD, Dodi try to be creative through different parts of the motor. "Created a minimalist, but still cool and functional," said Dodi again. 

Like the framework, relying on dewek changes to the model commonly applied HD custom baseball. Down the tube accidentally use an iron pipe sizes wider.

BThe middle order also looks simple and the bottom seat empty monitored. This is because the position of the tube where the oil is made hide. Moved on the ordercenterbone.

Most sip selection for color and graphic design. Deliberately select a color commonlyused HD custom baseball. In Indy Gegana Mafid aids, owner of Custom Paint aikonselected basic color baby blue.

For striping design, creative Mafid combine graphics and realistic themes. Because the owner of the motor of a lawyer, the theme of realist drawings are brought to justice.Graphic blends red and yellow while the black color options in detail motors make morebody color looks elegant.agian tengah rangka juga terlihat simpel dan bagian bawah jok terpantau kosong. Ini lantaran posisi tabung tempat oli dibuat ngumpet. Dipindah di bagian rangka centerbone. 

Paling sip pemilihan desain untuk warna dan grafis. Sengaja pilih kelir yang enggak biasa dipakai H-D custom. Di bantu Mafid Indy Gegana, owner Aikon Custom Paint dipilih kelir dasar baby blue.

Untuk desain striping, Mafid berkreasi memadukan antara tema grafis dan realis. Lantaran pemilik motor seorang pengacara, tema realis mengusung gambar yang berhubungan dengan keadilan. Berpadu grafis merah dan kuning sedangkan pilihan kelir hitam pada detail motor bikin warna bodi lebih terlihat elegan.

Rims: Performance Machine Domino
Tires: Metzeler
Transmission: 5 Speed ​​RSD Hause Power
Primary Kit: BDL